TeleEye - Total video surveillance
TeleEye develops and offers total video surveillance products, from network CCTV, dial-up CCTV,
monitoring software, standalone DVR, cameras and speed domes for customers' selection.
TeleEye makes use of telecommunication media to allow users to visually monitor and manage their remote business anywhere, anytime.
The TeleEye solution for MTN is a comprehensive remote video alarm verification and video management system
designed to provide sophisticated BS8418:2003 compliant video alarm verification for the protection and remote
management of BTS sites.
TeleEye Video Recording Servers , CCTV Camera’s , outdoor detectors, audio equipment and deterrents are installed
at the BTS site to provide a reliable solution that detects intruders, connects back to a Video Central Monitoring
Station on event basis and allows a remote operator to receive live images from the site, verify the threat and then
deter the threat by means of an audio challenge feature via PA system as well as secondary measures by remotely
activating a high pressure pepper spray system with spray nozzles located around the BTS container and mast area.
The primary communication from the sites to the MTN control room takes place over existing E1 data links and a
failover communication measure is in place via a USB GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA data modem with APN simcard
connected to the system. The TeleEye revolutionary SMAC-M multi-stream codec allows for 4 independently
controlled remote data streams ensuring remote viewers using different communication mediums, access to DVD
quality video at fast remote frame rates without the risk of exceeding the allowed allocated bandwidth.
Remote video response centre (RVRC) operators, management, radio technicians and security personnel are able to
concurrently connect to the BTS sites live for management purposes from their workstations, laptops and GPRS
enabled mobile phones. The TeleEye advanced security mode ensures all remote users only have access to their pre
determined views, recordings, event logs, switches and settings.
The system features additional devices that add management and security functionality such as an intercom station
placed inside the BTS container for 2 way communication to the control room operators. If generators are located at
the BTS site, with the addition of electronic fuel sensors or PLC’s connected to video text overlay devices, the RVRC
operator can instantly verify delivery of fuel to the storage tank and view the digital readout of fuel level on the camera
image, eliminating the problem of under delivery of fuel during scheduled deliveries.
The sophisticated BS8418 alarm management system allows the site to be armed or disarmed on a scheduled basis,
directly from the control room administrator or via keypad at the site. This allows the administrator to eliminate
nuisance and false alarms whilst maintenance takes place at the sites. With the ability to zone areas as 24 hour or Fire
zones, critical areas such as generators, fuel storage , batteries , air conditioners, power fail sensors and other
detectors and sensors placed in areas where permanent monitoring is required, assures that the RVRC still receives
these alarm events even whilst the site is disarmed.
CCTV Equipment >>
Audio Equipment >>
Outdoor Detectors >>
Deterrent >>
Central Monitoring Station / Remote Video Response Centre >>